My last two posts have been a little whiny/complaining, so I thought I would write about the good things going on right now.
Of course, my munchkin Carson. Even on his worst day (ok, even on my worst day too) I can't imagine being w/o him. There was a time not so long ago, where all my friends were pretty sure I would be the one not to have kids. Not that I don't love kids, but I was not looking forward to the giving birth part. I'm not one for huge pain. But now that he's here, I don't know what I would do without him. I love the fact that he's becoming his own little person with a huge personality. He knows what he wants and when he wants it. He loves coloring and watching cartoons and playing outside. He naps when he's ready, which is usually in the afternoon. He's always happy to see you. Doesn't matter who you are, he greets you with a smile! Kinda like our dog I guess. She's always happy to see visitors as well!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Technology Sucks!
Ok, I know I complained in my last blog, but I'm gonna have to complain in this one too. I apologize now. Technology sucks! I just had my computer's dvd drive fixed not even a month ago, I go to play a dvd today and it doesn't work. I've tried three different dvd's, thinking maybe there was a problem with one of them. Nope, none of the three even registered on my computer. Now I'm going to have to take it back to Best Buy and have them look at it again. This time will have to be paid for because my warranty expired on April 15. Go figure. Do you think they do that on purpose? I do. If you don't have to pay for it the first time, they make sure you'll have to bring it back when you will have to pay for it. Ridiculous! I just want to be able to watch movies on my laptop while my son is watching cartoons. Is that too much to ask? I wouldn't think so, but apparently it is.
On a non-ranting side, we had a really good Saturday. My mil took Carson for the morning/afternoon so Glen and I could get some stuff done around the house. We didn't get anything done, but it was nice to just spend some quality time with each other. It doesn't happen too often, so it was nice. We went shopping at Gordman's for Carson. He needed some new shorts for his soccer classes that will begin on May 16, and he also needed new sandals. We bought him some at the end of last summer, but he has already outgrown them. Then we got some lunch from LJS and brought it home, where we began watching our weekly shows that we have to tape. I must admit that it was nice to watch 24, Castle and Bones without the interruption of Carson wanting something every minute. I was glad to see him come home though, cuz I really did miss him. Glen began his very long week of working every night since Matt is on vacation, and Carson has been a very good boy. Since we are not turning on our a/c in the middle of April, our house is a little stuffy and hot. Therefore, all he really wants to do is sit and watch cartoons. I can handle that...that means he's not getting himself into trouble!
Well, I guess I will take my laptop in to BB tomorrow and hope for the best. Maybe I'm just doing something and I'm the reason I can't get my dvd's to work. That would be awesome!
On a non-ranting side, we had a really good Saturday. My mil took Carson for the morning/afternoon so Glen and I could get some stuff done around the house. We didn't get anything done, but it was nice to just spend some quality time with each other. It doesn't happen too often, so it was nice. We went shopping at Gordman's for Carson. He needed some new shorts for his soccer classes that will begin on May 16, and he also needed new sandals. We bought him some at the end of last summer, but he has already outgrown them. Then we got some lunch from LJS and brought it home, where we began watching our weekly shows that we have to tape. I must admit that it was nice to watch 24, Castle and Bones without the interruption of Carson wanting something every minute. I was glad to see him come home though, cuz I really did miss him. Glen began his very long week of working every night since Matt is on vacation, and Carson has been a very good boy. Since we are not turning on our a/c in the middle of April, our house is a little stuffy and hot. Therefore, all he really wants to do is sit and watch cartoons. I can handle that...that means he's not getting himself into trouble!
Well, I guess I will take my laptop in to BB tomorrow and hope for the best. Maybe I'm just doing something and I'm the reason I can't get my dvd's to work. That would be awesome!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Excitement leads to disappointment
Why is it that when you get really excited about something, it doesn't go the way you had planned which leads to disappointment? Take tonight for instance. Now that I have my computer fixed (the dvd rom was broken), I thought it would be a good night to put in Carson's dvd learning his shapes. He hasn't had a chance to play with it yet, so I thought it would be something fun that we could do together. However, once I got the program installed, I was not able to open the file. I still can't get the program to run. I just don't understand. Maybe I need to restart my computer yet again. It restarted itself once, but maybe it needs to be done again. If that doesn't work, I may go to their website to figure it out. I am determined to get this program up and running. I would hate to think that my mother in law wasted money on a program that can't be used.
Oh my. I'm glad I finally have someplace to air my grievances so I don't take it out on my poor child. Not that he cares 5 minutes later, but that's not the point. Oh well. Here's hoping I get the stupid program to work!
Oh my. I'm glad I finally have someplace to air my grievances so I don't take it out on my poor child. Not that he cares 5 minutes later, but that's not the point. Oh well. Here's hoping I get the stupid program to work!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I've got nothing today. I just feel very blah...lack of motivation. I seem to be going through this lack of motivation period. Not really sure what's up with that, but I really need to get over it. And fast. There are lots of things I need to do...tan, exercise, deep clean our house. Ok, I know that with the exception of exercising, tanning and deep cleaning aren't high on anyone's priority lists. But, if I want to start looking like I did pre-Carson, then I need to get off my butt and start doing something about it. The problem? I'd rather go home and be with Carson than go tanning and/or cleaning and/or exercising. Any thoughts on where I could get some motivation? I'd love some ideas.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
PMS and the boy
My poor kiddo. I have PMS and I'm totally taking it out on him. Now granted, if he weren't so cranky in the evenings it probably wouldn't be as bad. But I can't blame him. He can't help it if he's cranky anymore than I can help my PMS. It does seem as though my PMS has been worse here lately for some reason. Not really sure what's going on there. I'm not stressed any more than normal, so that can't be it. I do feel bad for Carson though. The crankier he gets the crankier I get. Glen's probably glad he's working nights this week. I know I would be if the roles were reversed!
On a bright note, we found out today that we're going to Dallas for a Cowboys football game. I could care less about football, but I know it'll be much more exciting in person than on tv. Plus it's in a brand new stadium and on a Monday night, so that will be very exciting. Plus Glen will love it! And he deserves something fun like that...especially after me and my PMS. I just hope I don't have PMS that week. That would not be a fun car ride. It will be interesting to see how Carson does in the car for that long. Of course, we'll have tons of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and other movies, but it's still a long car ride.
Oh's hoping to a cranky-free night for me and Carson!
On a bright note, we found out today that we're going to Dallas for a Cowboys football game. I could care less about football, but I know it'll be much more exciting in person than on tv. Plus it's in a brand new stadium and on a Monday night, so that will be very exciting. Plus Glen will love it! And he deserves something fun like that...especially after me and my PMS. I just hope I don't have PMS that week. That would not be a fun car ride. It will be interesting to see how Carson does in the car for that long. Of course, we'll have tons of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and other movies, but it's still a long car ride.
Oh's hoping to a cranky-free night for me and Carson!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Grace in Small Things
I found a blog website today called Grace in Small Things. It encourages people to find the good throughout the bad. I thought that was a great idea. Now, while I didn't join the website, I think I can find a few things to be happy about:)
My kiddo. There's nothing like his laugh when he's happy and his hugs and kisses.
My job. Even though I may not feel like coming everyday, I am grateful to have a job and know that it's not going anywhere.
My husband. My best friend. The one I tell all of my problems too. (And most of the time he actually listens:) )
My family. They may be a little on the crazy side but I love every one of them.
Knowledge. The fact that I am responsible for shaping my kiddo's life. I may only be 31, but I have knowledge to pass onto him and hope he has the tools he needs for the future.
Those are just a few things. But it really makes you stop and think...and to be thankful for what you have. Finding the good in the bad....not a bad idea!!
My kiddo. There's nothing like his laugh when he's happy and his hugs and kisses.
My job. Even though I may not feel like coming everyday, I am grateful to have a job and know that it's not going anywhere.
My husband. My best friend. The one I tell all of my problems too. (And most of the time he actually listens:) )
My family. They may be a little on the crazy side but I love every one of them.
Knowledge. The fact that I am responsible for shaping my kiddo's life. I may only be 31, but I have knowledge to pass onto him and hope he has the tools he needs for the future.
Those are just a few things. But it really makes you stop and think...and to be thankful for what you have. Finding the good in the bad....not a bad idea!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter and the boy
We actually had a very good Easter. We went to my mom's on Saturday and celebrated with my family. (Glen didn't go, but we won't talk about that.) Carson and Jezzy (my niece) made out very well! Carson came home with tons of candy and four new balls. Not Carson-sized balls, big balls. He got 2 soccer balls, 1 basketball and 1 football. He loves the soccer ball that Papa Dave got him. It's been in every room of our house. At least for now, thank goodness, he's kept it on the floor and not thrown it at anyone yet. He's also been very involved with the Bunny Potato Head that Grandma got him. He loves taking it apart and putting it back together. Especially the tail:) He carrys it around in his puppy dog Easter basket that Glen and I got him.
Then yesterday we went to Glen's parents for Easter. Again, he made out very well. A new Doodle Pro (formerly the Magna Doodle), play-doh, bubbles, pajamas, books, and candy. Unfortunately, he ate way too much candy and had a very upset stomach that night. It didn't help things that he hadn't pooped since Thursday. Needless to say, it was a long night with not much sleep. Oh well. You would think that would teach him a lesson for the future. But being my son, it won't happen. I still eat way too many sweets and I'm 31.
Then yesterday we went to Glen's parents for Easter. Again, he made out very well. A new Doodle Pro (formerly the Magna Doodle), play-doh, bubbles, pajamas, books, and candy. Unfortunately, he ate way too much candy and had a very upset stomach that night. It didn't help things that he hadn't pooped since Thursday. Needless to say, it was a long night with not much sleep. Oh well. You would think that would teach him a lesson for the future. But being my son, it won't happen. I still eat way too many sweets and I'm 31.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Cranky boy
Oh my...nothing like spending a Wednesday night at home with a cranky butt! I'm not sure what got into Carson last night (other than not having had a nap during the day) but he was the crankiest he's been in a long time. He was, of course, good for dada and Aunt Ann. Some people say it's good that he can be cranky with me because he's comfortable enough to do so. I buy that logic to some degree. The other part of me thinks he does it purely to drive me nuts. No wonder I feel the need to get rid of him every now and then!!
I am aware that he possibly had an upset stomach. He didn't go to the bathroom at all on Monday or Tuesday. But he did go three different times yesterday, so he should've been feeling a little better.
Today we have speech therapy. Here lately he's seemed distracted and not wanting to pay as much attention as he should. Although his speech has improved greatly from when we started, there's still quite a bit of work to be done. So here's hoping that he pays attention today and does really well. Let's also hope for a quiet night on the homefront. Goodness knows I can use it!!
I am aware that he possibly had an upset stomach. He didn't go to the bathroom at all on Monday or Tuesday. But he did go three different times yesterday, so he should've been feeling a little better.
Today we have speech therapy. Here lately he's seemed distracted and not wanting to pay as much attention as he should. Although his speech has improved greatly from when we started, there's still quite a bit of work to be done. So here's hoping that he pays attention today and does really well. Let's also hope for a quiet night on the homefront. Goodness knows I can use it!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sleep--or lack thereof

Who would've thunk that 2 years after having a child I'd still be exhausted?! Oh wait...that's called parenthood:) Ok, I guess I can't blame it all on Carson. Since Glen and I are taking turns sleeping with him he's not waking up in the middle of the night anymore. We caved and he got what he not sleep alone. But at least one of us is sleeping with him. Generally through the week I start out with him, but Glen ends up with him. I get him all to myself on the weekends to give Glen a break. One of these days he'll sleep by himself.
I keep telling myself that it's not a good thing that Glen and I are sleeping with him. But you know what? In just a few short years he wont' even want to hug me, so I'm taking what I can while I can get it. He'll eventually sleep on his own, and then I can only hope that he'll learn the fine art of sleeping past 6:30a.m.!!!
For some reason here lately though, I have not been sleeping well. This morning I woke up at 5a.m. because Glen had turned off my space heater so I was freezing. Big suprise that I couldn't go back to sleep after that. Especially knowing I had my yearly female exam today. I don't mind them...they seem to go by quickly. I think it's just the thought of cold metal going up you first thing in the morning. Not the way I like to start my day.
Here's hoping I sleep better tonight. Maybe I'll take a Benedryl and knock my booty out. I'm glad it works for me the way I wish it would work for Carson. Oh's to a good night's sleep!!!!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Monday's Monday. And boy does it feel like a Monday. The weather is pure crap outside. Snowing today when just yesterday it was 70 outside. I guess that's Evansville for you. You never can tell what the weather's gonna be like.
Anyways...the clients all seem to be in a good mood, which is always great. But the boss man seems to be down today, therefore making me wish I were back home. Oh well. That's a Monday for you!!
The hubby is off today, which is always great. He's at home making me a pork butt and some awesome pototoes for dinner. Granted, he is usually the one who cooks but when he uses the crock pot you know it's gonna be something good. Last week he made bbq ribs. They were awesome.
Carson seems to be doing well. He slept for almost 12 hours last night, which he NEVER seems to do. Maybe on the rare occasion but he's usually good with 8-9 hrs. I did feel bad though, cuz he slept right through dinner. And considering he was lounging all over me I'm surprised he did. We tried several times to wake him up. At least to put on some pj pants, get a diaper change and get his allergy medicine. Well, he eventually woke up enough to get the diaper change and pj pants put on. 2 out of 3 isn't bad. His allergies didn't appear to bother him too badly. Although I did thoroughly vacuum the house while he was gone this weekend and washed his sheets and comforter in hot water. I guess the combo of those two things seemed to help his allergies a little. He's afraid of the vacuum cleaner, so I guess I'll have to send him downstairs with dada or aunt ann to get the vacuuming done. I'm gonna attempt to vacuum every other day and see if that helps his allergies. We'll see if I make it every other day:)
Ahh's hoping Monday gets better. And if's hoping for a warmer, better week ahead!!
Anyways...the clients all seem to be in a good mood, which is always great. But the boss man seems to be down today, therefore making me wish I were back home. Oh well. That's a Monday for you!!
The hubby is off today, which is always great. He's at home making me a pork butt and some awesome pototoes for dinner. Granted, he is usually the one who cooks but when he uses the crock pot you know it's gonna be something good. Last week he made bbq ribs. They were awesome.
Carson seems to be doing well. He slept for almost 12 hours last night, which he NEVER seems to do. Maybe on the rare occasion but he's usually good with 8-9 hrs. I did feel bad though, cuz he slept right through dinner. And considering he was lounging all over me I'm surprised he did. We tried several times to wake him up. At least to put on some pj pants, get a diaper change and get his allergy medicine. Well, he eventually woke up enough to get the diaper change and pj pants put on. 2 out of 3 isn't bad. His allergies didn't appear to bother him too badly. Although I did thoroughly vacuum the house while he was gone this weekend and washed his sheets and comforter in hot water. I guess the combo of those two things seemed to help his allergies a little. He's afraid of the vacuum cleaner, so I guess I'll have to send him downstairs with dada or aunt ann to get the vacuuming done. I'm gonna attempt to vacuum every other day and see if that helps his allergies. We'll see if I make it every other day:)
Ahh's hoping Monday gets better. And if's hoping for a warmer, better week ahead!!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Stupid Benedryl
Well, the Benedryl has actually had a negative effect on Carson's sleeping. How is that even possible? It's not like he was the greatest sleeper before, but after 2 nights of being on Benedryl we can tell it's even worse. The past two nights, he's had nightmares of some sort because he'll wake up crying a couple of different times. Last night, he actually sat straight up in bed a couple of times. I think one time was because he heard Glen come home, but still. Wide awake at 12:30 at night...not good. After Glen took him to his room, Glen said he had a huge sneezing fit and was having problems breathing. Glen tried everything to help the poor kid. Lots of pillows to prop him up, but nothing worked.
So, today we're trying Benedryl in the morning and Zyrtec at night. At least he slept with the Zyrtec. We'll see how this goes for a few days.
I have to laugh though, because on the box for Benedryl is specifically says "Not to be used to make children sleepy". Yes, I admit it, I was hoping for it to have the same effect on him that it does on me. Go figure that it doesn't. Oh well. We'll try this new switch with Benedryl and Zytec and see how it goes. It can only help the poor kid.
So, today we're trying Benedryl in the morning and Zyrtec at night. At least he slept with the Zyrtec. We'll see how this goes for a few days.
I have to laugh though, because on the box for Benedryl is specifically says "Not to be used to make children sleepy". Yes, I admit it, I was hoping for it to have the same effect on him that it does on me. Go figure that it doesn't. Oh well. We'll try this new switch with Benedryl and Zytec and see how it goes. It can only help the poor kid.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Drugs for kids and dogs
Well, I took my poor princess to the vet yesterday. Glen had found a lump on her right side after we had her shaved Friday. $230 spent and we still don't know what the lump is. They took some blood and a sample from the lump and now we have to wait 1-2 weeks to get the results. They said it could be just a fatty mass which we would do nothing about since it's not bothering her. It could be a tumor. Depending on what kind of tumor it is, we would either treat it with antibiotics or we could have to have it surgically removed. Let's hope for the antibiotics since surgery would be a whole lot more!! We also had her tested for heartworm, which I'm proud to report she does not have. We had to buy medicine though to prevent it from happening. So yes...$230 later we got to leave the office. I never did tell Glen how much the trip cost, but he knows their pricing so I'm sure he won't be surprised when he sees it on the credit card.
My poor kiddo Carson. He has taken after me yet again and has developed allergies. The poor kid is nothing but snot and sneezes. Especially at night. It definitely seems to be worse at night. We tried Zyrtec, but that has not seemed to help too much. So I called his dr. today and she suggested Benedryl. Can I just say how excited I am about this?! Not that I want him to be on medicine, but let's face it. Benedryl is known to knock most people out for the night when taken. At least it does me. Glen and I have been trying for over a year to get this kid to sleep by himself. This may be the thing that does it. If he's totally zonked out for the night, he won't even notice we're not right next to him. At least that's what I'm hoping for. And at least Benedryl is less expensive than some alternatives.
My poor kiddo Carson. He has taken after me yet again and has developed allergies. The poor kid is nothing but snot and sneezes. Especially at night. It definitely seems to be worse at night. We tried Zyrtec, but that has not seemed to help too much. So I called his dr. today and she suggested Benedryl. Can I just say how excited I am about this?! Not that I want him to be on medicine, but let's face it. Benedryl is known to knock most people out for the night when taken. At least it does me. Glen and I have been trying for over a year to get this kid to sleep by himself. This may be the thing that does it. If he's totally zonked out for the night, he won't even notice we're not right next to him. At least that's what I'm hoping for. And at least Benedryl is less expensive than some alternatives.
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