Well, I took my poor princess to the vet yesterday. Glen had found a lump on her right side after we had her shaved Friday. $230 spent and we still don't know what the lump is. They took some blood and a sample from the lump and now we have to wait 1-2 weeks to get the results. They said it could be just a fatty mass which we would do nothing about since it's not bothering her. It could be a tumor. Depending on what kind of tumor it is, we would either treat it with antibiotics or we could have to have it surgically removed. Let's hope for the antibiotics since surgery would be a whole lot more!! We also had her tested for heartworm, which I'm proud to report she does not have. We had to buy medicine though to prevent it from happening. So yes...$230 later we got to leave the office. I never did tell Glen how much the trip cost, but he knows their pricing so I'm sure he won't be surprised when he sees it on the credit card.
My poor kiddo Carson. He has taken after me yet again and has developed allergies. The poor kid is nothing but snot and sneezes. Especially at night. It definitely seems to be worse at night. We tried Zyrtec, but that has not seemed to help too much. So I called his dr. today and she suggested Benedryl. Can I just say how excited I am about this?! Not that I want him to be on medicine, but let's face it. Benedryl is known to knock most people out for the night when taken. At least it does me. Glen and I have been trying for over a year to get this kid to sleep by himself. This may be the thing that does it. If he's totally zonked out for the night, he won't even notice we're not right next to him. At least that's what I'm hoping for. And at least Benedryl is less expensive than some alternatives.
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