Who would've thunk that 2 years after having a child I'd still be exhausted?! Oh wait...that's called parenthood:) Ok, I guess I can't blame it all on Carson. Since Glen and I are taking turns sleeping with him he's not waking up in the middle of the night anymore. We caved and he got what he wanted...to not sleep alone. But at least one of us is sleeping with him. Generally through the week I start out with him, but Glen ends up with him. I get him all to myself on the weekends to give Glen a break. One of these days he'll sleep by himself.
I keep telling myself that it's not a good thing that Glen and I are sleeping with him. But you know what? In just a few short years he wont' even want to hug me, so I'm taking what I can while I can get it. He'll eventually sleep on his own, and then I can only hope that he'll learn the fine art of sleeping past 6:30a.m.!!!
For some reason here lately though, I have not been sleeping well. This morning I woke up at 5a.m. because Glen had turned off my space heater so I was freezing. Big suprise that I couldn't go back to sleep after that. Especially knowing I had my yearly female exam today. I don't mind them...they seem to go by quickly. I think it's just the thought of cold metal going up you first thing in the morning. Not the way I like to start my day.
Here's hoping I sleep better tonight. Maybe I'll take a Benedryl and knock my booty out. I'm glad it works for me the way I wish it would work for Carson. Oh well...here's to a good night's sleep!!!!!
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