Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hot, hot summer

Well it's been a while since I've written, but there's just not much new happening. I guess the funniest thing would be the fact that my sister-in-law thought Carson was ready to start potty training. Glen and I both told her he wasn't ready, but she insisted that he was. Today she learned that she was wrong! He loves his "big boy" undies, but wants nothing to do with the potty. He'll only sit on it if he has his clothes on. If the undies are down, he won't sit on it. It took her mom telling her he wasn't ready for her to eventually listen. Go figure. One would think the parents would know if their child was ready for potty training, but apparently not. Oh well...whatever. Now she knows, and they won't be having that struggle again anytime soon.

I guess that's really all for now. Like I said...nothing new. Just freakin hotter than hot outside!!!

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