Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter and the boy

We actually had a very good Easter. We went to my mom's on Saturday and celebrated with my family. (Glen didn't go, but we won't talk about that.) Carson and Jezzy (my niece) made out very well! Carson came home with tons of candy and four new balls. Not Carson-sized balls, big balls. He got 2 soccer balls, 1 basketball and 1 football. He loves the soccer ball that Papa Dave got him. It's been in every room of our house. At least for now, thank goodness, he's kept it on the floor and not thrown it at anyone yet. He's also been very involved with the Bunny Potato Head that Grandma got him. He loves taking it apart and putting it back together. Especially the tail:) He carrys it around in his puppy dog Easter basket that Glen and I got him.

Then yesterday we went to Glen's parents for Easter. Again, he made out very well. A new Doodle Pro (formerly the Magna Doodle), play-doh, bubbles, pajamas, books, and candy. Unfortunately, he ate way too much candy and had a very upset stomach that night. It didn't help things that he hadn't pooped since Thursday. Needless to say, it was a long night with not much sleep. Oh well. You would think that would teach him a lesson for the future. But being my son, it won't happen. I still eat way too many sweets and I'm 31.

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