Friday, April 3, 2009

Stupid Benedryl

Well, the Benedryl has actually had a negative effect on Carson's sleeping. How is that even possible? It's not like he was the greatest sleeper before, but after 2 nights of being on Benedryl we can tell it's even worse. The past two nights, he's had nightmares of some sort because he'll wake up crying a couple of different times. Last night, he actually sat straight up in bed a couple of times. I think one time was because he heard Glen come home, but still. Wide awake at 12:30 at night...not good. After Glen took him to his room, Glen said he had a huge sneezing fit and was having problems breathing. Glen tried everything to help the poor kid. Lots of pillows to prop him up, but nothing worked.

So, today we're trying Benedryl in the morning and Zyrtec at night. At least he slept with the Zyrtec. We'll see how this goes for a few days.

I have to laugh though, because on the box for Benedryl is specifically says "Not to be used to make children sleepy". Yes, I admit it, I was hoping for it to have the same effect on him that it does on me. Go figure that it doesn't. Oh well. We'll try this new switch with Benedryl and Zytec and see how it goes. It can only help the poor kid.

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